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professional references

EURL PROPRIÉTÉS AUTENTIK, with a share capital of 1000.00 € -Registered under Nº 922 896 204 00018 at the R.C.S. Annecy – Intracommunity VAT Nº: FR67922896204 – NAF Code 6820B

Administration and management of rental properties on behalf of third parties, rent collection, private concierge services.

Carte professionnelle de gestion ; CPI 74012023000000005 (Issued by the CCI of Haute-Savoie)

Real estate agency member of the GALIAN financial guarantee fund, in the amount of €120,000.00.
Professional liability insurance with GALIAN, under POLICE No. 120 137 405

GALIAN : Société Anonyme d’Assurance au capital de 103 125 910 euros – RCS Paris 423 703 032 – Entreprise régie par le Code des Assurances – Sous le contrôle de l’Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (4 place de Budapest, CS 92459, 75436 Cedex 09)
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The site was created by Hyperion Studio – Agence de communication

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Intracommunity VAT number: FR10912146354


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